Film Title:
Ha Homonhon
Cha Escala
“Ha Homonhon” (In Homonhon) is a documentary film that follows the story of a man, Eladjio Princillo or Tata Ladying, who goes on a quest to reclaim his land from a Chinese multinational mining firm after he discovers a "No Trespassing" in the land that he and his family till.
Homonhon is an island in the province of Eastern Samar, Philippines, on the south east side of Leyte Gulf. The place is more known to be the island of Ferdinand Magellan’s first landfall when he circumnavigated the Earth.
The whole island is a public/forest land. In 1992, the Bureau of Forest Management awarded Certificate of Stewardship to some individuals and families in Homonhon. With this Certificate of Stewardship, the recipients are given the right to occupy or till a given portion of the forest lands for twenty five years. Among these recipients was the family of Tata Ladying.
However, a Chinese mining company comes to the island and starts putting “No Trespassing” signs – not sparing the farms of the natives like Tata Ladying – asserting that these are part of its mining claim.
Tata Ladying, a fisherman and a farmer goes asking the authorities on the legal basis of this company’s action, hoping to obtain justice and to get back the land that the government has awarded him.
As the story unfolds, a lot of irregularities in the activities of this mining company as well as the local government of Guiuan, Eastern Samar, are uncovered.
Produced by:
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines
Freedom from Debt Coalition
Kilusang Mangingisda - Pilipinas
Homonhon Environmental Rescuers Org
Social Action Center - Eastern samar
Running time: ---
Sreening / Festival / Awards:
- October 4, 2008, 5PM, Magnet Katipunan
Free Admission
- September 27, 2008, 5PM, Magnet Katipunan