Synopsis: Recently paroled Bobby Reynolds attempts to make a new life for himself by getting a job, reconnecting with a former girlfriend and moving into his mother's apartment, vacant since her untimely death. Upon arrival, he is soon plagued by strange occurrences in the apartment and bizarre encounters with his neighbors. When he begins to investigate, Bobby discovers that his mother died under unusual circumstances and he comes to the realization that her death is somehow linked to the tenants of the building, who he believes are now coming after him. As he struggles to uncover the truth, terrifying secrets are revealed and Bobby must find a way to fight the echoes of the past before they kill him and those he loves.
Cast & Crew:
Angel Locsin, Iza Calzado, Jomari Yllana y Richard Gutierrez
Writer: Roy C. Iglesias
Producer: Roselle Monteverde-Teo
Music: Jesse Lucas
Cinematography: Yam Laranas
Film Editing: Manet A. Dayrit