Film Title: Ang Daan Patungong Kalimugtong (The Road to Kalimugtong)
Synopsis: For Jinky and Potpot, life in Benguet (North Philippines) is simply a trek to and from school. Every day, together with other children, they have to cross mountains, rivers and hanging bridges to get to their destination. They survive thanks to the work of their elder brothers, Manong Ramil and Manong Ronaldo, who inherited the task of looking after their siblings and grandfather on their parents' death. Both work for a mining company, leaving the younger brothers in their grandfather's care. But the elder brothers haven't been back for months. The neighbours think they may have been buried in a mine landslide. While waiting for news, the kids and their grandfather try to subsist on the herbs growing in their backyard. Meanwhile, they continue to pray for their brothers' safety and their own salvation.