Synopsis: Winner of the Golden Palm at the Cannes International Film Festival, Raymond Red’s Anino (Shadow, 2000) is a thirteen-minute short about a photographer from the provinces (Ronnie Lazaro) wandering about the streets of Manila. He meets a man in black (John Arcilla) just outside a church, and is nearly run over by an old man driving a car (Eddie Garcia); in between, he has a quiet interlude with a child (Ronnie Pulido).. People meet, then meet again; harsh words are spoken, and violence inflicted. The film ends on what may be seen as either a hopeful or ironic note--it’s up to you to decide which.
Cast & Crew:
Production by: ---
Release Date: 2000
MTRCB Rating: ---
Sreening / Festival / Awards:
Active Vista Film Festival, November 26 to December 2, 2008 Indie Sine,
Robinson's Galleria