Synopsis: Aurora is an intimate portrait of a captor and a captive as they both struggle to survive in the depths of a jungle. A social worker named Aurora (Rosanna Roces) is kidnapped by members of the Lost Command. After a military raid in the middle of the night, she gets lost in the forest. She walks aimlessly in the thick forest, hoping to find her way out to freedom. She is found by Fadi (Sid Lucero), one of her captors. Aurora tries every way in order to run away. Will she see the break of dawn alive?
Cast & Crew:
Rosanna Roces
Sid Lucero
Kristofer King
Direction:Adolfo Alix, Jr.
Producers: Adolfo Alix, Jr., Noel Ferrer, Arleen Cuevas
Line Producer: Maxie Evangelista
Screenplay: Adolfo Alix, Jr.
Director of Photography: Albert Banzon
Production Designers: Tonee Rose Acejo and Jerome Zamora
Field Sound Recordist: Mark Locsin
Associate Director: Arman Reyes
Production Manager: Rolly Palmes
Associate PM: Robin Palmes