Synopsis: An eccentric and over-protective Balyan (also known as Babaylan) is famed for her spectacles. But one night she performed her last miracle — conception of a stigmata. This supposedly Catholic miracle afflicts everyone around her in their attempt to keep the tradition, religion and practices of the tribe out of the verge of extinction. Her family, the elders and a priest face the dilemma either to keep her final miracle a secret to save the Buhi tribe or reveal it, making their tribe vulnerable to fate and religion susceptible to doubt. Letting be or letting not is a decision they have to make before Idang's funeral rites—as the process shows their choice. It will be a choice of death and transcendence.
Cast & Crew:
Director: Sherad Anthony Sanchez
Cast: Ronald Arquillas, Gigi, Marilyn Roque, Jelieta Ruca
Screenplay: Sherad Anthony Sanchez