Strangebrew was launched in early summer of 2001 on UNTV, and became a popular show among Filipino youth. It was hosted by Arvin "Tado" Jimenez, and Angel "Erning" Rivero. The show was directed by R.A. Rivera. The show also featured film makers Ramon Bautista and Jun Sabayton, playing odd characters. The reality comedy show features fun facts about how things are made in a factory, or making a movie. Trivial pursuits and road trip like episodes were produced, as means to make a transition from one topic to another.
Cast & Crew:
Arvin "Tado" Jimenez, Angel "Erning" Rivero, Ramon Bautista and Jun Sabayton
Directed by R.A. Rivera
Sponsored by the Brewrats Radio
and 99.5 RT Rhythm of the City