Competition / Film Festival:

ANIM'EST 2008 - 3rd International
Animation Film Festival
3 October 2008 to 12 October 2008, Romania

    ANIM'EST the Bucharest International Animation Film Festival is an international competition festival that seeks to promote cartoons and animated films from all over the world, with a special focus on films from Europe and Romania.

Official competitive sections:

a) Short film – less than 50' : short animated films made after January 1st 2006, which have not previously competed in any ANIM'EST festival.

b) Feature film – up to 50': animated feature films made after January 1st2006, which have not previously competed in any ANIM'EST festival.

c) Video clip and advertising: short animated film made primarily together with existing music covering minimally 80% of the footage or a short commercial film made upon a request to support the sale of a product or service or to promote a brand, program or event.

d) Student film: a short animated film made by a student or a film school after January 1st 2006, which has not previously competed in any ANIM'EST festival.

e) Romanian shorts: Romanian animated films completed after January 1st 2005

No entry fee

Rules and Regulations:
Entry form:




Call For Entry

July 20, 2008

ESTENEST Association
Drumul Taberei Nr. 92 Bl. C7, Ap. 235, Sector 6 - Bucuresti 061406

+ 407 4 678 51 80

