Are you an aspiring independent filmmaker? The 1st Kapampangan Film Festival in the country is being organized, and one of the highlights of the event will be the SHORT FILM COMPETITION. (Other highlights are the Screening of Kapampangan films, documentaries, music videos, etc. and the holding of several lectures, workshops, etc. about indie filmmaking and regional cinema)
The deadline is still to be set (around early July), and the festival will still be in a few months (tentatively August), but just so you know, you can start doing your DIGITAL SHORT FILM now!
Just remember the following:
everyone is allowed to join (no age limit)
no limit of number of entries
dialogues mainly in Kapampangan
with English subtitles
10-20 minutes in length
in digital format
any topic will do
extreme violence and obscenity and unnecessary abuse of foul language are discouraged
use of copyrighted music is not allowed
questions, text 0918 699 2459