Sunday, November 1, 2020
Health issue, Environmental issue, and Social issue are among of the the Global issues that we are facing right now.
These issues brought us into tremendous problems and a chaos.
Despite of these circumstance, ART is the weapon to make this world colorful and wonderful. Through the power of paint and brush, the artist can make an artwork that can bring a positive message through the naked eyes of the viewer.
That’s why the ARTMONKS, an independent group of artists launch our 2nd online art exhibit intitled “ANOMALIES.”
This online art exhibit conveys different messages from different paintings of members inspired from social anomalies.This creates not only to impress the viewers but to show hope, knowledge and positivity to all.
Participating Artists
Redmond Nazareno
Nelson Gonzales
Tim Castle
Getbackers Jumawan
Earlvon Salcedo
Renmar Baring
Denib Trangia