Art Zoo 10

A Decade of Art



October 15 – November 27, 2022
BenCab MuseumGallery Indigo
Km. 6 Asin Road, Tadiangan 2603 Baguio City, Philippines
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ArtZoo celebrates a decade of exhibiting and growing together in art. Informally established in 2008 by a circle of friends, mostly from the Bulacan State University College Fine Arts, the group has been showcasing their works in different spaces since 2013.

The body of work produced by ArtZoo throughout the years reflects a distinct character despite the variety of styles each of them utilize and make their own.

ArtZoo provides us lenses to witness bearers of strength, navigation of identity and place in the world. The works are metaphors of life’s journeys faced with tranquility and storm; struggles with love, responsibility, joy, sacrifice, and hurt. Multiple paintings will leave us enthralled with the display of high mastery of the medium, showcasing how artistic standards can be achieved and inspired by peers.

There is a sense of openness in how ArtZoo operates.

This sensitivity is fueled by understanding and motivation to contribute to each other’s maturity by extending the gesture of care to their communities.

The tenth year is a celebration of art making that is inspired and collective, yet holds space for the individual. It is a marker of many more things as they transform art into a tool to fulfill roles in education and society.

Annie Sarthou