Captain of Her Soul

Jaime Gubaton



August 6, 2021
Provenance Art Gallery
Shangrila Fort BGC, Taguig

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Jaime Gubaton’s work leaves much for the imagination.

Hiding what is most desired, revealing just enough for viewers to seek more.

Yet his works speak of the empowered woman – revealing & concealing only what she chooses, with whom she trusts, when she decides.

If she decides.

Hinting at what beauty awaits behind the cloak, the mystery of unveiling one step at a time, all as dictated by her perfect timing.

Will she show more? Will she hide more?

The rest of the story has yet to unfold.

There lies the mystery & the strength of a woman.

“I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.”

William Ernest Henley,