Les Nymphéas

Richard Buxani



November 10 – 20, 2022
Artist Reception
November 15, Tuesday | 5 PM
Galerie Joaquin Podium
Level 3, The Podium, ADB Avenue, Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong City

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There is a certain sense of tranquility and composed reposition when one is confronted with the grandness of nature. All the radiant energy of the sky and the earth overwhelm us at once and an exuberant force takes over–banishing everything into complete stillness.

For his latest exhibition “Les Nymphéas”, a french word which literally translates to “The Water Lilies”, artist Richard Buxani took a different turn and veered away from familiar themes of warriors and mythical folklore to a much more composed and placid subject of water lilies. Drawing inspiration from the time he spent at The Metropolitan Museum in New York where he personally stood before Claude Monet’s water lilies series, Buxani then embarks on an introspective journey to finding a new creative gusto.

His process involves welding copper and brass through the use of silver sticks, enjoining each leaf to create what seems like a raft of water lilies. His sculptures are intended to be mounted in various ways, as a table or floor top or as a wall mount fixture. This intention can be traced back to his architectural background and his eagerness in finding ways on how to fill up an empty space. Turning his works into something functional, something purposeful. In a way, Buxani is not just an artist, but also a curator; carefully putting into consideration how his artworks would be displayed.

