Slice of Life

Art for Lebanon



September 1-15, 2020
The Grey Space
331 P. Guevarra St, San Juan, 1500 Metro Manila, Philippines



On August 4 2020, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the port of the city of Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, exploded, causing at least 181 deaths, 6,000 injuries, US$10–15 billion in property damage, and leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless.

Join us from September 1-15 as we showcase our online benefit art exhibit: Slice of Life. A portion of the proceeds of this exhibit will be donated to the victims of the horrific explosion in Beirut,

The artists featured in this exhibit were asked to submit artworks that resembled a piece of their day-to-day existence. We challenged them to see beyond the mundane, boring, and dullness of the everyday life and instead see its beauty.



See you then! Stay tuned in thegreyspaceph Facebook page for updates, previews, and more!

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