VENTURES: The UPLB Abstract Show


February 7 — March 3, 2023
February 7 | 4 PM
Sining Makiling Gallery 
DL Umali Hall Basement, UP Los Baños


Featuring the works of

Dennis Francisco
Alrashdi Mohammad
Milmar Onal
Mercedes Paez-Layog
Antonio Jesus Quilloy
Aner Sebastian



Abstract art proposes novel ways of producing and interpreting reality.

Compared to figuration, abstraction attempts to make sense of reality using various ways of knowing, not one is privileged over the others. The result is a plenitude of meanings and interpretations, the celebration of voices over the stability of monologism.

VENTURES brings together six notable contemporary artists (Dennis Francisco, Alrashdi Mohammad, Milmar Onal, Mercedes Paez-Layog, Antonio Jesus Quilloy, and Aner Sebastian). Their techniques and forms of expression speak of the diversity of abstraction, a minefield in the Philippine visual arts scene.

Hopefully, the UPLB Abstract Show would result not only in a better appreciation of abstraction as a major force in art production, but also in sensing reality in more nuanced terms. Art is poised for flight from its form, yet transcending it in more ways imagined by the artist and the viewer. (jryapo)


Presented by

Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (UPLB OICA)
