World Premieres Film Festival

The World Premieres Film Festival derives from a simple concept of bringing together a number of countries, with film cultural exchange partnerships, with the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) for a distinct film festival. Participating countries are asked to each field a new film yet to be screened elsewhere prior to June 2014 from a director of note for a world premiere in the Philippines.

The WPFF is the next step in the FDCP’s Film Cultural Exchange Program whereby FDCP partners with Embassies and their cultural arms in the country for events showcasing the cinemas of various nations.

Feature films will vie for top awards, have red carpet screenings at the country’s posh cinemas, all with film luminaries and celebrities in attendance, and are set for release and distribution beyond the festival run through the Philippines’ largest cinema chain.

The WPFF aims to be primarily a film festival of the biggest international scope presented not just by FDCP but also by all the countries represented in the event.


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