3rd Kamias Triennial


February 7-22, 2020
Venues across Quezon City


The 3rd iteration of the Kamias Triennial (KT3) titled “Sawsawan: Conversations in the Dirty Kitchen” will gather a group of international artists to participate in exhibitions, performances, screenings, discussions and more. All events are free and open to the public!


KT3 Opening PARTY w/ Fastwürms Performance

Friday, February 7, 2020
6pm preview begins; 6:45pm performance
Kamias Special Projects 
124 K-8th, East Kamias, Quezon City, Philippines


An exhibition preview and opening party including:
A performance by duo FASTWÜRMS, known for collective making and social exchange projects will take place to mark the opening of the exhibition.

Our Place in the Struggle: A reader on Philippine Feminisms presented by Grrrl Gang Manila will be available at the event. The reader, commissioned by the Kamias Triennial is part of our Context Series–a three component series that provides socio-political context about the Philippines. Our Place in the Struggle addresses the state for women in the Philippines. Areas discussed include women’s agency over their own bodies and relationships, the Safe Spaces Act, feminist organiztions and the #BantayBastos campaign that aims to address misogyny and gender-related violence in Philippine society by holding public figures accountable. Limited hard copies of the reader will be available at the opening and events until they run out.

A pdf version will be available online at kamiasspecialprojects.com, facebook.com/grrrlgangmanila and su-yinglee.com


Thrilla in Manila + Beyond the Walls of Prison

February 8 & 10 | 2 PM
UPFI Film Center
Admission is free and open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis (45 seats).


Thrilla in Manila: De Filipijnen onder staat van beleg (Dutch, English, and Filipino, 44 min.) A TV documentary by André Truyman broadcasted by KRO (Dutch TV) on 1 May 1976, less than four years after Marcos declared Martial Law in the Philippines. It is a documentary about the shrill contrasts between rich and poor in Manila under the reign of President Ferdinand Marcos and entirely in the American sphere of influence. The copy of the documentary and permission to screen are obtained from the Netherlands Institute of Sound and Vision and KRO.

Beyond the Walls of Prison: (English and Filipino, 1987, 60 min.) This is an AsiaVisions film essay on life within and beyond the prison walls of the Marcos dictatorship. Features interviews with former political detainees who all expressed their desire to be reintegrated into the mainstream of society, while keeping alive their commitment to social transformation. The film is part of the AsiaVisions Audio Visual Collection under the custodianship of IBON Foundation.

