|a play by Peter Zaragoza Mayshle

Photography by Jojit Lorenzo
August 15 to 31, 2019
Doreen Black Box
Arts Wing, Areté, Ateneo de Manila University
“Mother may I now be the master of my life?” – Elena (Act I, Scene 5)
In its 41st season, ’Écriture Féminine | Sulat-Babae: The Women’s Season’, Tanghalang Ateneo is proud to present
a play by Peter Zaragoza Mayshle
Directed by Jenny Jamora
And featuring actors Bibeth Orteza and Ron Capinding
Ticket prices:
450 for ADMU students
500 for the general public
Show dates as follows:
August 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 at 7:30 pm
August 17, 24, 31 at 2:30 pm
For show buying and bulk buying inquiries, please contact Nicole Chua at 0906 266 2563.
#DolorosaTA #TA41 #EcritureFeminine
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