Synopsis: In a remote village, a young girl named Elsa (Aunor) claims that the Virgin Mary has spoken to her. She reveals her visions and starts healing people, thus, pushing the village to finally confront its own needs and beliefs. A story about faith and faithlessness, truth and delusion, Himala tackles the endless and timeless struggle of man in his quest to find something to believe in.
Nora Aunor
... Elsa
Tony Angeles
Laura Centeno
Cris Daluz
Estela De Leon
Gigi Dueñas
Joe Gruta
Vangie Labalan
Joel Lamangan
Spanky Manikan
Pen Medina
... Crispin Medina
Aura Mijares
Veronica Palileo
Ama Quiambao
Ray Ventura
The first film produced by the Philippine government film body Experimental Cinema of the Philippines (ECP). This won nine of 11 awards given at the 1982 Metro Manila Filmfest.
It breaks trends in Philippine filmmaking by featuring only one known actress in the cast with support from unknown television and legit stage performers.
Plot Keywords:
* Faith
* One Word Title
* Remote Village
* Miracle
* Visionary
* Rape
* Filmmaker