First Article Pop-Up at Felipe & Sons SFO/MNL
Saturday at 7:00pm
Felipe & Sons
Mezzanine A, LPL Mansion, 122 San Agustin St., 1227 Makati
Felipe & Sons + First Article POP UP
Please Join us for a special evening of Timeless Fashion, Chill Beats, Tasty Food, Strong Drinks, and Good People.
Saturday September 27th,2014
7pm- Late @ Felipe & Sons
First Article Goods of San Francisco, CA will be taking over for a POP-UP Store at Felipe & Sons Barbershop in Manila.
They will be showcasing their newest Menswear collection and accessories, all handcrafted in The USA. Come out to see
some clean and classic clothing pieces and to enjoy some local made rum, fresh made Cuban Sandwiches or even a hand rolled cigar.
We’ve also got a few DJ’s from SF that will be spinning some music to match the atmosphere and era as well. See what quality and craftsmanship is all about, See you there and spread the word.
In keeping with traditions and following in the footsteps of our fathers, grandfathers, and those that came before us. We are steadily reverting back to creating things that last, things that are handmade, that have history and purpose. We once again take pride in our crafts, in our community and in everything that we do. We travel to distant lands to look for new ideas and to search for knowledge and new opportunities. In time we return to our points of origin and we begin to share our stories of triumph, of success, of loss, of truth. Like the people that built these buildings and streets that we wander upon, we too are beginning to connect and form new spaces and places for future classics and historical moments to exist in and take place. Brands like First Article and Felipe & Sons look to the past for inspiration, and as a way to relate and connect to our history and culture. Sometimes in order to figure out where we are going, we must look back to where we have been, it is then that we realize how precious time and what we do with that time matters. Create with Responsibility, Continue sharing your story, and always Believe in what you do.
About The Brands
FIRST ARTICLE GOODS :::::::::: San Francisco, CA
The wellspring of our inspiration is steeped in nostalgia. It’s the charm of vinyl records with deep grooves, or shoes we’ve outgrown but still keep. It pervades our very ethos, to create better garments through experience, quality and tradition, and pushes us to remain culturally relevant.
First Article’s mission is to re-interpret classic wardrobe staples by merging aesthetics and functionality with premium materials through modern construction techniques.
We offer quality dry goods including outerwear, wovens, bottoms, leather goods, and accessories. Everything in our inventory is manufactured domestically in limited quantities and primarily in San Francisco to give back to our immediate community. We understand that a well-engineered garment won’t change the world but it might change your appreciation for quality.
IG: @firstarticlegoods
Twitter: @firstarticlesf
FELIPE & SONS :::::::::::: Manila, PH
Felipe & Sons was borne out of a desire to find an establishment that caters to all the grooming and styling needs of the modern gentlemen. A place where a man could get a proper shave and a clean hair cut, fit a well tailored suit and a crisp white shirt, and maybe enjoy a glass of fine whiskey, or if too early, a cup of freshly brewed coffee. A place where a man can relax as a man. Well, we couldn’t find any. So we built our own.
The meaning of our name is simple: Felipe is the Philippines, and we are all his sons. Just like our fathers before us, and their fathers before them. This is our heritage, and it has given us our inspiration. For we remember our fathers and grandfathers as models of propriety—in how they acted and in how they dressed. As a barbershop and haberdashery, Felipe & Sons stands to safeguard this heritage. Just as all dutiful sons are expected to.
IG: @felipeandsons
Twitter: @felipeandsons