Flower Town

Reynard Borillo



April 27, 2021
Provenance Art Gallery
Shangrila Fort BGC, Taguig

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It has been said, that “if you have faith like the size of a seed…nothing will be impossible for you.”
The smallest seed when planted, grows into something greater; when nurtured, blossoms into something more beautiful.
The magic is in the process.

In Flower Town, Reynard Borillo reveals the process of becoming beautiful, of capturing the magic of a flower in bloom. Inspired by the gentle beauty of a dahlia, the quiet strength of a geisha, and the splendor of refinement as a woman, Borillo engages the viewer to look within and take whatever positivity & love that is there – and let it grow, thrive, and inspire others to do the same.

A flower blooms at its right time, and in spite of adversity and strife brought about by circumstance, it blossoms and springs new hope to those who behold it.

Womanhood, at its very core, is in itself a story of adversity and victory; strength and submission; planting and blooming; of being and being again. It is the delicate balance and calm that comes with trusting that destiny will unfold as it should.

Women and flowers blend perfectly with each other, accepting all that life gives and takes, yet with an innate resilience that comes from faith that what was once a small seed yet has grown into an inner strength the size of an oak.
A positivity that brings new hope to others, day after day, season after season.


“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words;
Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior;
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits;
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values;
Keep your values positive because your values become YOUR DESTINY.”

– Mahatma Gandhi