Teddy Bear Productions is the production house of the band DOKI. It aims to be an avenue for musicians to perform and express music freely. It is a monthly (but sometimes 8x a month) event that caters to different genres of music.
Created last July 10, 2010, Teddy Bear Productions aims to become a home for musicians and lovers of music alike. Perform, relax, unwind, interact: WELCOME TO TEDDY BEAR PRODUCTIONS!
Artists/Bands who joined TEDDY BEAR include:
Acel van Ommen, Ansyl Cadag, Aspen Way, Beer Pilipinas, Blue Boy Bites Back, Chillitees, DeLara, Doki, Flicker Fusion, Floordestroyer, Glorious Masai Mara, Imago, Johnoy Danao, Juan Pablo Dream, Julianne Tarroja, Kindle Garden, Kitchie Nadal, Maya's Anklet, Novus Luna, Pale Yellow Light, Sammy Asuncion, Severo, Stonefree, The Youth, Turbo Goth, Walkie Talkies, Yano.