No Monsters Underneath

Ramir Gatuz



Opening Reception 
July 15, 2023, Saturday | 3 PM
Rojo Galerie
Robins Design Center, Meralco Ave, Pasig City


Childhood is a crucial period where our minds are highly receptive, eagerly absorbing the wonders of the world around us. It is during these formative years that we develop our first notions of what is good, what is right, and what is beautiful. The toys we play with, the shows we immerse ourselves in become the vehicles through which we explore fantastical realms, moral dilemmas, and the limitless possibilities of imagination. As children, we often sought refuge in these parallel universes, finding solace and companionship in the characters that became our loyal friends. The narratives of these worlds not only entertained us but also taught us valuable life lessons, shaped our beliefs, and instilled in us a unique sense of identity. They became the building blocks of our adult selves, subtly influencing our habits, philosophies, and the way we navigate the complexities of the world.

In Ramir Gatuz’s exhibition, “No Monsters Underneath”, he offers a visual narrative that explores the layers of meaning hidden within our favorite childhood icons. It examines how these seemingly simple artifacts carry messages and subconscious associations that shape our values, perspectives, and even our sense of aesthetics. By intertwining elements of pop culture with introspective themes, he aims to ignite conversations about the lasting impact of our early encounters with the imaginative realms of childhood. As children of the digital age, it is also an invitation to confront and embrace the complex interplay between the joyous simplicity of our past and the multifaceted realities of adulthood. It celebrates the rich tapestry of influences that have shaped our lives, acknowledging the profound role of pop culture as catalysts for personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of our unique identities.