Save the Hero

Red “Oni” Genotiva



April 24 – May 15, 2021
Art Portal, Gallery for Contemporary Art
Door 1-A Pelayo St., Davao City

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“There is no love of life without despair of life.” — Albert Camus

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was condemned by the gods to an exertion towards a naught accomplishment—pushing a boulder from the depths of the underworld to the top of a mountain only for it to fall back down and repeating this task for all of eternity. Despite this, one need not pity Sisyphus because he chooses to live in the face of absurdity. This ‘choice’ constitutes complete consciousness of the fate imposed upon him. Because of this, he prevails against his punishment despite his futility. He who is lucid of his torture champions absurdity. Camus believes that absurdity and happiness are inseparable, so while Sisyphus’ descent towards the boulder only to push it back up the summit can be performed in sadness, it can also be performed in joy. Today, the life of the proletariat is no less absurd, mundane, and repetitive. The Myth of Sisyphus is an invitation to accept failures and accomplishments all the same and to continue to persist and indulge in life despite its elusive absurdity. After all, Camus believes that the ‘point’ is ‘to live’.

A sequel to Red Genotiva’s previous solo exhibit, Lonesome in a Happy World, Save the Hero continues deeper into the narrative of sadness and self-doubt. The artist’s work, which now includes brightly-colored toy sculptures, is the culmination of constant reflection of internalized conflict pushed externally. The children, although dressed in attention-grabbing costumes and involved in whimsical antic, are the artist’s pensive emotions made manifest. Save the Hero playfully illustrates the three consequences of the absurd—passion, freedom, and revolt.
-written by Nikka Lindo

“SAVE THE HERO” Red “Oni” Genotiva’s 5th Solo Exhibition opening on April 24, 2021 at Art Portal Gallery, Pelayo, Davao City.

Online catalogue will be out on April 25.

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