British Council

The Future is Creative in support of Malikhaing Pinoy at the...

The recently concluded Philippine Creative Industries Development Act (PCIDA) event honors and provide homage to Filipino creatives. Since the first Creative Industries Summit last...

Isles and islands

Cultural flows between the UK and the Philippines     Anthology Launch 2 November 2022, Wednesday, 18.30 (UK Time) SOAS University  RB01 (SOAS Main Building), 10 Thornhaugh St, London WC1H...

Calling all creative hubs and professionals

  Whether you are an individual or creative hub, there is finally a platform for your needs. This is your invitation to join the Creative...

The Siren’s Executioner

‘The Siren’s Executioner’ is a Trese comic strip written by Budjette Tan with art by Kajo Baldisimo and part of the 10 Years to Save...