Pagkagahaman Panlilinlang Pananampalataya
June 29 (SUN) – 3PM/9PM
July 3 (TH) – 8PM
July 4 (F) – 3PM
Floy Quintos’ Ang Kalungkutan ng mga Reyna
Directed by Floy Quintos
Featuring Shamaine Buencamino, Tuxqs Rutaquio, Nar Cabico,
Jonathan Tadioan, Riki Benedicto and Jules de la Paz
Megalomania is witnessed by Marcel, a hairdresser who accedes to
the leader of the land’s Yolanda Cadiz. The empty, vacuous preoccupation with hair and beauty is after all, the most important ingredient to governance. The elegance of decadence and its inevitable slide into self-destruction introduces one of this year’s Labfest’s most endearing/terrifying characters.
Debbie Ann Tan’s Mga Babaeng TooBright
Directed by Ana Valdez-Lim
Featuring Peewee O'Hara, Mailes Kanapi, Charissa Litton and
Wenah Nagales
To settle who among the two is stronger in a woman, Harmony and
Discord was given a scenario where their counterparts Ms. Ferra and Georgia Oh influence the lives of Porcelaine and Virni. Porcelaine is an egoistic woman who got a Toobright Scholarship. Virni is a manipulator, but when she met Porcelaine, they somehow agreed on what constitutes art. The interplay of the women and the "Goddesses" results in a battle where no one is the winner and the loser. The politics of women are hard to define, they can betray each other and they can come together. In this world of faux art, what is real and what is unreal?
Koh Jun Eiow’s Ang Naulit na Paglilibing
Translated by Terrence Co
Directed by Leo Rialp
Featuring Ronnel Coronado, Noel Taylo, Rommel Calupitan, Eric
Dela Cruz, Jorge Walter Ladera, Paul Domive, Cara Mercado and Ailen Mojica
This play is based on a true story that happened in Malaysia. An
old Malaysian Chinese businessman dies leaving his wife and son the beginning of their troubles. In the middle of funeral, following the traditional Chinese ceremony, two Muslims come to claim the body of their brother Muslim insisting that the dead man should be buried in proper Muslim cemetery. They have proof that the deceased Lin Shunfu has converted to Islam. His official I.D. bears the name of a Muslim. Thus begins the travails of a family caught in between two faiths and a government unable to address the problem that has
turned into a national issue.

June 29 (SUN) – 3PM/9PM
July 3 (TH) – 8PM
July 4 (F) – 3PM

Huseng Batute
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