Versatile: A Send Off Concert


August 19, 2019 | 7:30 PM – 9 PM
Bhodisatva Hall
Guang Ming Institute of Performing Arts, Englis V. Rama, Cebu City


“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” ― Lao Tzu

3 teenagers from different parts of the Philippines. 3 strangers. All with young hopes and dreams like any other ordinary girls.

But are they really ordinary?

This is the journey of three teenage – musicians: Angel Abellana and Mayeh Echavez of Cebu City, and Micah Luy of Cagayan de Oro.

Girls born with music in their souls and melodies in their veins. Each one starting her musical journey on her own path but fate destined that their paths should converge. Their paths met when all three fell in love with one beautiful instrument – the harp.

When Jo-Anne Cerdenia came back from her harp studies in Germany, her goal was to teach and share the beauty of the harp to as many as possible – to bring the beauty and music of this seemingly elusive instrument across the archipelago of the Philippines. Little did she know that in 2 short years, she would be instrumental in building the new generation of young Filipino harpists through her studio – The Harp Room.

Three of Jo-Anne’s most avid students volunteered to represent the Philippines in the 2019 Rave Harps Prestige Award Chamber Competition in Singapore. Mayeh, Angel and Micah started out as strangers to each other in this journey. They each had to fly and stay in Manila for intensive lessons and practices.Their days were long and the pressure was intense but they learned to play and harmonize beautifully with each other.

Playing from their trembling hearts, these young harpists dared to dream. And their dreams are starting to turn into reality. On their very first try, they bested more seasoned harpists from across South East Asia and won 3rd place in the recently concluded 2019 Rave Harps Prestige Award Chamber Competition and are the very first Filipinos to do so. They have been invited to perform in the prestigious Esplanade Recital Hall in Singapore on September 5, 2019. (Tickets to the show has been sold out)

You are cordially invited to share this dream and go on this journey with them. On August 19, 2019 (Monday), we will feature their trio and solo pieces on the harp alongside their first instruments. With special guests – Rey Abellana – Violin (Music Director at Cebu Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra); Aldine Abellana – Flute; Jo-Anne Cerdenia – Harp (founder, The Harp Room).

This event is sponsoed by The Pinnacle Talents and Firely.

Let them share the music in their souls with you. Let them bring you to their universe.

Limited Sponsor Tickets Only (Php1,000 -admit 4)
Call/Text – 0977-7506976




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