Closed Curtain


Thursday, February 13, 2020 | 6 PM – 10 PM
Gallery in the Gutter 
Eurovilla Condominium 1, 142 Legazpi Street, Legazpi Village, 1263 Makati


Do you have a talent you’ve always wanted to share but stage fright gets in the way? Or perhaps you just want to do something stupidly brilliant without the risk of embarrassing yourself? Either way, we’d love to see, er, hear it!

Together with Fringe, GIG presents “Closed Curtain,” a behind-the-curtain talent show for all you shy rockstars out there. Be heard (maybe felt) on the 13th of February, because what better way to celebrate Valentines than to express yourself in a no judgement zone?

All talents are welcome! Sing, play an instrument, tell a lousy joke. PSA: Performers get free booze of confidence to calm the nerves 👯‍♀️

Sign-up here: