Comfort Zone
|Demi Padua
Art Fair Philippines
6 – 15 May 2021
J Studio HQ
41 BF Resort Drive Corner Cynthia Ugalde, BF Resort Village, 1740 Las Piñas City
Art seeks to influence the hearts and minds of people overtime
—Riel Hilario
More than a year after the start of the pandemic, people are still adapting to their new world. For many, their living spaces once again became a place called home. A place of solace and comfort, a haven shared with love and renewed kindness to each in everyone. On the other hand, some are feeling restricted and becoming tired of their everyday situation. Depressed, anguished, worrisome and wanting a release, there are people who are not appreciative of the beauty of togetherness. Some are without alternatives but to work as before, or else, they cannot provide food on their tables. Yet, there are still who wanted not to be in their shelters because they simply missed their former lives: oblivious, and neglecting civil responsibility to contain the spreading of the virus. Indeed, Covid19 changed much of everything. Our daily routines, work settings, habits, behavioral patterns, customs and traditions we normally participate in, suddenly, came into a halt.
We are all now adjusting and finding our own comfort.
For an artist, maybe for most, nothing much really changed; except for the frequency of going outside to acquire tools, replenish supplies, and predominantly to renew and charge energies in achieving a spiritual high. Such grit serves as a catalyst in conceptualizing and creating the next muse. Besides, familial responsibilities, most of the time artists are like hermits in their studio. They are like a ‘Sage all-knowing’, albeit struggling with their own quirks, and along with it are stories of their meditations and frustrations to finish a piece that they do not want exactly the whole world to know about, except for a few friends who are eager to listen and have the same visions and leanings like them. Whether these so called stories they deliberately hide to fabricate mystery and intrigue and if not bring about manipulating plain and literal elements in their works, these emotions nevertheless transcend subconsciously, whether they like it or not. Ultimately, they are like alchemists: creating concoctions, failing, getting it right and innovating continuously. Indeed, these are experiences that are exasperating, bordering from frantic and to the other end, ecstatic, once they have completed a certain goal. Artists are at all human, sharing the same hardships and elations like us. They are not detached nor faraway from our truths. Occurrences and happenings do shape and mold them.
An artist is a naturalist. They are an observer of their world and a recorder of their time.
COMFORT ZONE is a continuation of Demi Padua’s recent solo show, Frontline. Comfort Zone records Demi’s musings of our society facing the pandemic. It is his reflection channeled through visual narrative. One of his favorite pieces is titled “Fortress.” It depicts two individuals forcing themselves inside their home despite it is old and too small for them to fit in, they are afraid for their lives and seeking refuge in their humble abode. Other paintings symbolizes resilience which includes “Tomorrow is Another Day” and “Looking Forward”, while some are in acceptance of the truth “Hiding Myself”, “Virtual Reality” and Hiding from the past” and some in resignation to faith, “Only shield I have” and “Under Safety Rules and “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith – 2 Timothy 4:7”
For Demi, the role of art in these troubled times is not just to entertain but to give hope. Demi Padua’s true home is his Art, which is his gospel and message to the world.
—Abe Orobia
For inquiries and appointment, kindly contact through:
Contact/Viber us at: (+63) 935-537-6399
#ArtFairPhilippines2021 #JStudio #contemporaryart #soloexhibition
#artph #artfairphilippines #JstudioHQ #artph #soloshow