

April 27 — May 25, 2024
Saturday, April 27 | 5 PM
Altro Mondo Creative Space
1159 Chino Roces Avenue, San Antonio Village, 1203 Makati

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“Dambana” invites you to unravel the mysteries of sacred constructs, delving into the essence of sacred spaces and their relevance today. Exploring the dynamics of worship in contemporary contexts, the exhibition examines how cultural and societal forces shape our perceptions of shrines, often influenced by economic factors.

Featuring an array of diverse voices including Alee Garibay, Brian Barrios, Buen Abrigo, Frances Abrigo, Grasya Marinda, Iggy Rodriguez, Jes Aznar, Maan De Loyola, Mervin Pimentel, Mideo M. Cruz, Racquel De Loyola, and Uri Deger, “Dambana” serves as a catalyst for profound introspection.

The exhibition offers a rich tapestry of artworks, installations, and immersive experiences, inviting audiences to challenge their perceptions of worship and consider the formation of personal shrines. By engaging with the exhibition, visitors are encouraged to reflect on the intricate interplay between culture, society, and the constructs of worship in our contemporary world.