Endemicity 101


Virtual Opening
September 1, 2020 | 4 PM
Sining Makiling Gallery 
DL Umali Hall Basement, UPLB
Office for Initiatives in Culture and the Arts (UPLB OICA)



As one of the hallmarks of biodiversity, endemicity loops in birds, plants, trees, and flowers that are quite distinct to various regions in the country. As an integral component of our natural landscape, they serve as a reminder of the rich diversity of our flora and fauna. Their survival, however, has been continually affected by natural forces and threatened by human invasion. Hopefully, this twinbill would help in stirring public awareness (and action) on their possible endangerrnent.

Featured in Endemicity 101 are two Filipino female artists whose works not only spark joy but also serve as an advocacy. Through their visual representation of our endemic life forms – mostly birds – art achieves a higher purpose more than beauty as its own excuse for being. Karla Sajona-Sta. Cruz and Kat Casapao render in various shades of acrylic and watercolor textured images that resonate in our collective memory. (jryapo)