Fund-Raising Event for Mr. Rey Iglesias



Monday, March 9
at 8:00pm
saGuijo Cafe + Bar
7612 Guijo Street, San Antonio Village, 1203 Makati


As you may have read from Che’s fb post, her dad had a heart attack and in coma for days now. To help her family with the hospital expenses, we wish to tap your generosity by supporting our fund raising event on March 9. It will feature Sugarfree’s vocalist, Ebe Dancel, and a couple of front acts. A Gold Pass costs 500 and will come with a free drink. A Silver Pass costs 200. Your kindness, coupled with your prayers, will surely be a big help for Che’s dad and his family in these trying times. Thank you!

*You will be included in the guest list as soon as you deposit payment to BDO 1700220673 Rechelle Ann Iglesias or BPI Michelle Reyes 8529 1424 99, and text deposit reference number to 09175747808.
*Passes will be sold too at Saguijo on March 9.




As you may have read through the family’s updates, Mr. Rey Iglesias rejoined our Father last March 1. After consultations with the family, we decided to push through with the event, still with the objective of extending financial aid for the medical expenses incurred, as well as celebrating life, family, and friendships. See you on March 9 then!

Mico Reyes
March 3 at 5:46pm