Katuuran Lyn Pacificar is of Ilongga and Waray lineage, directly descended from Katuuran Apong Mansanat, and is the daughter of a manghihilot and Filipino Martial Arts Master Eskrimador. She receives Ancestral direction and immediately follows protocoled ritual to access the truth in healing, and delivers its guidance by using a combination of modalities including: prayers, hilot (a traditional form of manual energetic therapy), diagnostic readings, divination, and spirit communication. She serves as a mouthpiece of her ninuno (Ancestors), and enjoys helping people gain clarity of direction and access their own powers of self-healing. In addition, she maintains her connection to the Motherland, the Philippines, and manages Ancestral farms on the islands of Dinagat, Panay, and Mindanao.

Currently, Katuuran Lyn Pacificar is writing several books and co-authored two best-selling books (Awakening Starseeds and In Her Purpose), ia creating an oracle deck to promote nature conservation efforts, and is a Transformational Alchemist of The School for the Ecocene DIY Ph.D. Program.

She is a certified Reiki Master of Usui Holy Fire Reiki Lineage, member of the Society for Shamanic Practice, and currently lives on Tongva Land in East Hollywood, California, with her family.

Website: www.herbalaria.com
Contact: info@herbalaria.com

Social Media Links:

Instagram: @iamherbalaria
Fb: @iamherbalaria
Twitter: @IamHerbalaria
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/iamherbalaria
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lyn-pacificar-426611156/