Marie Claire’s Obra ni Maria Clara at ARTablado opens on September 1

by Noel Sales Barcelona


Marie Claire Olondriz de Chavez’s Obra ni Maria Clara is set to open tomorrow, September 1, 2023, at Robinsons Galleria’s ARTablado. This is her second solo exhibition.



Known for her different kind of pointillism, which she christened as Olondrizism, her artworks reflect her worldview as a woman, mother, daughter, artist, and as a person who suffers due to her Fibromyalgia, a chronic and lifelong disease characterized by intense sensitivity to pain.



For her, art is her refuge and a means to explore the inner and outer worlds while winning and losing some of her life battles. But for her, her disease is part of her artistic journey. It was in pain that her Olondrizism was born. Through pain, she has understood her purpose—and that is to paint not only about her personal experiences but about relationships, nature, and culture.

As this writer wrote about her works:

“For Marie Claire, whenever she creates an art piece, she tends to transform—or rather transmute—her negative experiences due to her physical condition into something beautiful and wonderful. And what can we expect? Even our marvelous Universe, billions and billions of years ago, was born out of chaos and darkness.



“As one will closely observe, her tiny dots of paints are sparkles of colorful magical dusts, scattered all over the canvas of her imagination, creating such magnificent art pieces that easily capture the sight and the heart of her audience. These tiny dots are akin to magical orbs created by mythical fairies in the forests, or the bits and pieces of the unknown matter in the center of the ancient Universe, which exploded during the Big Bang. In the case of the latter, these small fragments of this unknown matter from the middle of dark void, have become the stars and planets that we see in our space today. While in the case of the former, it takes us to the marvelous world of magic and wonder, that exists within the realm of Marie Claire’s Olondrizism.”

Obra ni Maria Clara by Marie Claire runs until September 15, 2023.


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