Mary Christie Que


Like most of her colleagues, Mary Christie D. Que worked in the advertising industry, occupying various positions, the highest being Vice-President of a highly respected ad agency. With 18 years of experience under her belt, she was invited to share her knowledge as a Special Lecturer with the BFA Advertising students of the then College of Architecture and Fine Arts. This eventually led to a teaching position at the UST Graduate School under the MS Advertising Program in 1997. After 3 years, the College of Fine Arts and Design (CFAD) was officially established. Que is currently the CFAD Dean and Program Lead for the UST Graduate School Master of Fine Arts and MA Cultural Heritage.

She has been privileged to take up an intensive course in the restoration of Italian paintings and culture at the Accademia Riaci in Firenze, Italy. Among her other notable achievements are earning a TESDA national certificate III on events management and recently obtaining a Professional Regulations Commission license as a teacher in Secondary Education.

In the 27 years, she was with UST, Que served the university in various capacities. She was the first faculty adviser for Thomasian Cable TV then under the UST EdTech Center. She was also the department head for the Advertising Arts program, became a College Council member, a College Coordinator for Community Development, a member of the Lay Liturgical Ministry, and a member of the UST Scholarship Committee.

While her primary passion is photography which she finds practical and handy, her love for painting cannot be easily dismissed. When she was invited to join the Grupong USTe painting exhibit, she took it as a challenge to return to painting after a hiatus of more than 3 decades, and in the process, to hopefully find her personal style. She draws inspiration from the photos of sunrises she has been taking every morning since October 2021, which she shares privately with friends.





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