Meet UST’s Artistang Artlets’ chameleon thespian: Isabelle Laurente

With the countless productions pumped out every season by UST’s Faculty of Arts & Letters’ official theater guild, every now and then we get exposed to the countless talents that Artistang Artlets has to offer. This time around, with their major production set to premiere in early March, a graduating member who has demonstrated her capabilities both on and off stage is set to have her last performance as an actor with the theater organization.


Photo Courtesy of The Flame


Now as she approaches the finish line of her college journey, let’s get to know her more from her experiences in acting and her plans in this art form for the future. However, who exactly is this supposed actress? It is none other than the talented Isabelle H. Laurente from the Creative Writing program.

Joining Artistang Artlets back in her freshman year, she was equipped only with her habit of emulating dialogue in movies and a curious fascination with theater. At first, it was the acting aspect that Isabelle focused on when she first joined as a freshman. However, she eventually got to experience a lot of different roles as she stayed in Artistang Artlets, even going as far as being able to direct multiple productions of the said theater guild, as well as being elected as an officer of the organization for three consecutive years.

Nevertheless, it wasn’t all rainbows and cupcakes for Isabelle as unfortunately, she was only able to experience the onsite theater productions once during her freshman year. The rest were done during the onset of the pandemic, and thus online plays. But this didn’t stop her passion for theater and acting. Until finally, she and her batchmates were able to step onto a physical stage and perform in front of an immense audience during the 2022 UST ROARientation for Homecoming Walk.


Photo Courtesy of The Flame


She recounts this memory as one of the most unforgettable moments during her time in Artistang Artlets. Isabelle elaborated that she enjoyed performing her role as she really felt in touch with her character. She even joked about how it was fun to portray a sophomore in the College of Science, despite the fact that she was already a senior in the Faculty of Arts & Letters. Isabelle also added how glad she was that she had to perform it with her batchmates as this was their first taste of an audience since their freshman year.

As for her plans in the future in relation to acting, she mentions that she wants to not only expand her knowledge of theater as an art, but also get to experience film acting since she hopes to enter the media industry after college. Maybe one day, we can see her on the big screen?


Photo post-processed by Dren Puerto


As a final tip for those who are interested in acting and theater, Isabelle stated, “[to] just enjoy it.” According to her, just take advantage of opportunities, whether they’re joining theater institutions or getting acting opportunities. She further added, “Try to savor as much experience as it will be useful outside of theater and outside of acting.

Watch Isabelle’s final performance as she stars as Mori in Artistang Artlets’ newest production “Pabalik, Pahilaga” on their official YouTube channel on March 8, 2023, 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM.

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