MSC Arts Month Culminating Week

Boac, Marinduque – Mark your calendars for an exciting week of artistic celebrations. With this year’s theme, “Ani ng Sining Biswal,” Marinduque State College, Cuture and Arts Office and the Office of Media and International Affairs will have the 2024 National Arts Month Celebration on February 26 to 29 at the MSC Gymnasium.



Its day 1, February 26 MSC have set “Ani ng Sining Biswal” art exhibit opening at the MSC Library and Learning Center, there would also be a painting workshop at the MSC gym. On Day 2, February 27 “Ani ng Tanghal Pandulaan” by 8:00am onwards, there would be film viewing and theatrical performances featuring Communication Society, MSC Theater Guild, Siklab Society and the College of Engineering Theater group at the MSC gym.

By Day 3, February 28 from 8 in the morning, “Ani ng Sayawan” dance performances is slated featuring pintig dance company, MSC folkdance troupe, College of Information and Computing Sciences Street dance troupe and the College of Industrial Technology Street Dance troupe. Then the finale, day 4, February 29 “Ani ng Musika at Awitan” from 4pm onwards, musical performances featuring College and Arts Unit performance and college bands from several schools in MSC would showcase their talents at MSC gym.

MSC had a couple more events for creatives, MSCians and the public, “Eat, Shop, Love” MSC Bazaar and “That’s Amore” solidarity dinner concert last February 16, Friday. The opening of the arts month celebration was last February 12 with a recognition of the Kaisa sa Sining Regional Art Center and the 5th MSC Film Festival “Sine Gunita” the following day, February 13.