New Media Art


February 4 – March 6, 2020
February 4 | 4PM
Sining Makiling Gallery
DL Umali Hall, UPLB, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines
Gallery Hours: 8AM-6PM, Monday-Friday


Usually viewed as expressions and products of today’s visual culture, New Media Art attempts to strike a dialogue with its audience through emergent art forms in an increasingly technologized world.

UPLB’s yearstarter exhibit offers possibilities of New Media Art assuming three major forms: digital, multimedia, and interactive. Taken singly or collectively, the entries are a mix of features, hence empowering art to take an interesting turn. Although veering away from our traditional view of aesthetics, New Media Art still exemplifies three elements integral to art-making and appreciation: concept, technique, and skill.

In concept inheres originality, a challenging feature of art these days. Technique is the artist’s mode of rendering, which ups the ante on originality. Skill, as expected, is something that speaks of the artist’s gravitas in the art scene.

Hopefully, this group exhibit by UPLB and Asia Pacific College students would not only pique our interest in New Media Art, but also make us sense reality in more complex and varied forms. Art takes a different traction in ways beyond our normative notions of what it is and what it stands for. (jryapo)