

01 to 13 June 2019
Level 1, East Wing, Shangri-la Plaza


The journey of discovering who we are as a People is not complete without walking the path that was treaded by those who came before us. As the modern digital age makes the world smaller, a tendency to take our own past forgranted poses an imminent danger. Furthermore, technological advances in processes today pose a threat to the traditional ways of how things were done easily ignoring that the method carries with it histories of culture and stories that are now endangered to be forgotten.

P A M A N A is a photography exhibit that invites us to notice pieces of our People’s history that lie before us everyday and not so far away. It attempts to showcase a glimpse of different aspects of our Filipino Heritage that has been preserved today through traditional culture and practices. The exhibit reminds us to look back at our roots and relive traditions even as we move towards the future.