Sitwasyon: Kwago’s new alternative discussion platform with Filipino youth

As a response to the persistence of mis- and disinformation, Kwago developed a new public program entitled Sitwasyon—a series of online conversations about current events with youth leaders, and a diverse group of journalists, community organizers and workers from the sciences and the humanities. To be launched live at Facebook on Saturday, the 1st of August, from 4 to 6pm through StreamYard, the first episode reflects on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) and the recently passed Anti-terrorism Law. Each episode is a two-hour conversation moderated by writer and teacher Roma Estrada. Every session will be recorded and documented in a free, printable zine published by Comma.



Called “The Nation Under Terror,” the first episode will feature Altermidya – People’s Alternative Media Network and Agham Youth National.

“Kwago registers an important message with Sitwasyon: making sense of our current state of affairs requires some contemplative conversations.” host and co-founder of Sitwasyon Roma Estrada mentioned.

“As a publishing lab, Kwago actively looks for and develops new ways to create, distribute, process and access critical information for the public especially now that computational propaganda empowers oppressive leaders to be in positions of power. Sitwasyon is one of our attempts to address the question: how do we nurture meaningful and strong relationships with the communities we serve during this period of social distancing?” Kwago founder and co-founder of Sitwasyon Czyka Tumaliuan.

Event is online and free to the public.