Week 5 of Lent final stretch of preparation to Holy Week

Boac Moryon and Tour Guides general orientation, Cenakulo live performance



Boac, Marinduque – Widely considered as Lenten Mecca, known for moryon, tubong/putong traditions and kalutang folk music. The Boac Municipal Council for Local History, Culture and the Arts hosted the existing moryon groups in the capital town of Marinduque and the municipal scholars for the final stretch of preparation for Holy Week from April 2 to 9.

Moryon groups from Boac have gathered to get renewal from the input of Fr. Ian Retardo, Fr. Em Perin and Sir Danny Mandia last Saturday, March 25. There is a resounding support from Mistah, Kapatiran and Legions along with the Municipal scholars. The Immaculate Conception Parish Priest Fr. Retarto shared a fable about a hare who was chased by dogs after which he together with Fr. Rotito Amodio held a sacrament of confession for those in attendance. Next Up was Fr. Perin, the San Rafael Arkanghel Parish Priest dwell on the liturgical aspects of the moryonan traditions. Meanwhile, noted director and cultural scholar Danny Mandia provided some salient points from his graduate study on Panata and Moryonan. During the next half, Mam Susan Nace, the Provincial Tourism Association President and Dream Favor Travel and Tours proprietor conducted a crash course on tourguiding considering heritage and traditions.



Meanwhile, the provincial government have consolidated the schedule from the towns of Mogpog, Santa Cruz, Torrijos, Buenavista and Gasan vis-à-vis that of Boac from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. Apart from the church activities significant to the life, passion and resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, there are some additional happenings.

Anto Monteagudo will have an opening of his one-man show “Tuldok, kuwit” an exhibition about moryon paintings at Boac Casa Real by Monday, April 3. Then the live performance of Cenakulo by Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Black Saturday. As Director Mandia explained, it is a different rendition going back to the original meaning of cenakulo as last supper.

In addition, the Island Innovation jr ambassadors have started some ground work from March 5, met with Brgy. Poras Sangguniang Barangay by March 6 and their counterparts in Brgy. Maligaya last March 18. By March 29, hopefully Brgy. Lupac and Tabigue would be able to have their orientation about “The Innovation Program’s Perspective for the New Governance of Islands.” Then by March 30, Brgy. Balogo and Pili would also meet likewise in Brgy. Tabi and Buliasnin by March 31.  There would also be a final meeting prior to Holy Week of those would carry the cross, those who take care of religious images, the novicio/a and apostles at Sacred heart Parish 5pm onwards.