Your Life Story: from Being to Becoming

an Introduction to Biography and Life Story Work

by Lormie Lazo



It’s been a while, but we’re excited and proud!

St. Michael Playhouse has a fascinating online workshop coming up where the only “tool” you need to get the most out of it is, well, your life. Your experiences. Your highs and lows. And to come to a conscious understanding of all that has made you who you are today, and what that means for you as a parent, a colleague, a spouse, son or daughter, a friend.

In a two-hour webinar entitled Your Life Story: from Being to Becoming, an Introduction to Biography and Life Story Work, you have the opportunity to explore your personal narrative. To experience your being unfold via life stories told through artistic means and meaningful conversations, which can lead to self-knowledge, to a way of conscious becoming.

The workshop will be facilitated by Lormie Lazo, an Arts for Health professional for Therapeutic Art, Biography Work and Art Therapy. The practice is an approach to wellness based on Anthroposophy, a philosophy founded by Rudolf Steiner. Full of warmth and understanding, Lormie will walk with you as you uncover the gifts in your life story.


Saturday, March 13, 2021
2:30pm to 4:30pm via Zoom
Fee: P700


The Zoom link and instructions will be sent to you after payment.

Kindly deposit or transfer payment to:

St. Michael Playhouse, Inc.
BdO S.A. 0013-8055-8431
Please email scanned deposit slip or screen shot of transfer to


“Where is the book in which the teachers can read about what teaching is? The children are this book.” – Rudolf Steiner